Art No: GC-04959
Military gorget patches, also known as collar tabs or shoulder boards, are insignia worn on the collars or shoulders of military uniforms to indicate rank, branch, unit, or specialty. They serve both a functional....

Military gorget patches, also known as collar tabs or shoulder boards, are insignia worn on the collars or shoulders of military uniforms to indicate rank, branch, unit, or specialty. They serve both a functional and ceremonial purpose, allowing for easy identification of an individual's position within the military hierarchy.

Here are some common types of gorget patches:

Rank Insignia: Gorget patches are often used to denote an individual's rank within the military. Different countries have various systems for ranking, so the design and arrangement of rank insignia may vary.

Branch or Service: In some militaries, gorget patches also indicate the branch or service to which a person belongs. This could include the army, navy, air force, marines, etc.

Unit or Regiment: Specific units or regiments within a military may have unique gorget patches to distinguish them from others. These patches can include symbols, numbers, or letters representing the unit.

Specialty Insignia: Some gorget patches indicate a soldier's specialty or occupational field, such as medical, engineering, aviation, etc.

Nationality or Affiliation: In multinational coalitions or peacekeeping missions, gorget patches might display the national flag or emblem of the wearer's country.

Decorative or Historical Elements: In some cases, gorget patches may incorporate decorative or historical elements that reflect the traditions or history of a particular military unit.

It's important to note that the specific design and meaning of gorget patches can vary widely from country to country, and even within different branches of a single military. Additionally, within a single military, different uniforms might have different styles of gorget patches. For example, a dress uniform may have more elaborate and ornate patches compared to a standard combat uniform.

If you have a specific military in mind or are interested in a particular type of gorget patch, please provide more details, and I can offer more specific information.

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